Friday, November 16, 2007

Drama with "Friends"

I just don't know anymore. I have some friends that seem to not like me or something. they dont include me in activites, this is because they are on a team. and only do team activities, and only hang out with me when they need someone to do something with (ie eating or hw). i feel like im being used. these are the same people that spent 2 nights at my house and enjoyed my family and all the things that we did together. i feel like they don't appricate my company and dont care about me. how can i have "friends" like this. luckily my relationship with my roommate has gotten better and she doesnt mind me hanging around with her. i talked to one of them about this, and she said that i should join a club or something so i can meet another people and so i will have something to do while they are ignoring our friendship. i think that they just want to keep me busy so i wont nag to them that i feel like i have no friends. i dont know what to do. i went online and looked up some clubs that are in school, and might go to a meeting or two. but probability not, i think its too late in the year to just show up. i will try to go next semester, but what can i do till then? i am going home for thanksgiving, and then we only have 3 weeks left till winter break/the end of fall semester. i think that going to work out has helped me and i plan on sticking with that. im soo glad that i have started to. well, more later when im not so tired.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Oh, how times have changed

Its been so long since my last post. i need to keep up with this thing. well since then: I've started regestering for classes for next semester, I've changed my room around, and gotten closer to my roomie. I've eated alot of junk food, which was pretty much all found in the dining halls, and gotten new shoes, nothing new for me. But besides the fact that life has been speeding by like a jet, I've had some great times. I've seen our girls rugby team [who plays rugby anymore? well brockport does!!] win the state championship, and I've seen them drunk and stubbley on many occasions. I've also seen many in my dorm, a freshman dorm (which is "alcohol free", like that ever happens), drunk as skunks, and I've been there a couple of times. But its all in good fun.
I did want to talk about the 7 college kids in N. Carolina who died in that fire a couple of weeks ago. Its so sad, and tragic, they were sleeping or just trapped. and
that could happen here, in Brockport. I know of many, many house parties where there is not even one sober person. Gosh it feels like theres so many bad things that go on, but so is life.
Well happier times, My new classes for next semester. as an accounting major, I'm not really taking any hard classes, or even any accounting classes. But I know that in 3 years all I will be taking is accounting courses. I wish that they would spread out the general education classes, so that you can take a "fun" general education class every semester; but again so is life. Comment with any rantings of your own, about college life, young or old, questions or comments. Whatevah.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Life Lessons at 18

So you never really realize how much people mean to you until something horrific happens. Today, accutaly about an hour ago one of my friends that goes to school with me found out that her best friend from back home died. No warning, no more talking to her, laughing with her, just seeing and remembering her normally. JUST DEAD! How can something be so tragic. How can everything just pour down all at once. Its funny how life is either great, great, great or its shitty and sucky. Its never in between, its always one end or the other. And to think that just before that I had told my mother that I didn't miss seeing her this week end.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

things seem well

so life has been pretty boring for this college kid so far. I have done a few things, besides drinking. like go to my friends rugby games. it was really cool. i want to learn more about it, and i will prob. use it for my up coming English paper. other than that, theres been alot of late night snacking, and skipping b fast. theres also been alot of getting to know my room mate a little better. shes starting to seem like a person that i could at least get along with. im starting to learn her quarks and little things that she does. so i know how things happen when i am around.
other than that stuff, my classes have been a bore. either i feel like i am falling alseep, when i should be paying attention, or i stay awake though the stuff i already know too well. i dont get it. but lifes been good. we had our first fire drill. it was "fun", i had no idea that it sounded like it did. and it really scared me when i heard it.

Friday, September 28, 2007


like any other college kid i of course watch grey's anatomy. big shocker right? i just wanted to post a summary of last nights amazing episode for all of you misfortunate out there.

A Change is Gonna Come

First aired: 9/27/2007

Entering their first year as residents, Meredith Grey, Cristina Yang, Izzie Stevens and Alex Karev now have interns of their own to mentor. The interns are welcomed by new chief resident Callie. Among the new interns are George, forced to repeat his internship after failing his exams, and Lexie Grey, Meredith's half-sister. Many new interns will be introduced in this season premiere. And they'll have their hands full when a three-car accident sends multiple casualties pouring into Seattle Grace. Some of the doctors need to deal with their new stressed out interns. A young boy brings his bleeding deer to the hospital in the hope a doctor will save her. Cristina searches for Burke. Richard resumes his post as chief of surgery. Derek and Meredith reach an impasse. Bailey wrestles with things at the hopital not turning out like she thought they would.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Great Writing

So for an english project I wrote a great short paper, here it is:

The shaky hands of my grandmother as I help her out of her car. Turing to help her up my front steps, and getting her into the house. The warmth coming from inside; where my mom makes turkey and sausage stuffing. Hugging her and then my grandfather. The dry kisses from the lips to my cheek, and the way that grandpa’s hugs only go half way around. My aunts and uncles most with my last name hunt for pickles and olives and pre-dinner drinks. The first bite of the turkey straight from the oven, and how my mom only lets me have the succulent piece. The yelling of my mom as she prepares us for the feast. The soft prayer that my grandmother insists on, and how most of us have broken the cardinal rule. The roar of the post dinner football game as my dad cheers on his team. The cold pumpkin pie that’s been kept outside since that morning. All of these sensations come to me at one of my favorite times of the year. The traditions of my family have been the same in years past and I am assured they will never change.

Thursday, September 13, 2007


wow so ive been at college for about 3 weeks and i feel like im in a rut. i have class and i dont really learn alot, then i come back to my dorm and hang out and talk about what feels like the same thing with different people, nothing has really happened here in a while. it seems like life has been boring and tiring. im not sure what to do with my time. i check my face book, i check my many email accounts, and then i try to do some homework, but when im done with that i have nothing left, ive told everyone my life story and dont know what else to do. maybe i just need to meet more people, or just get drunk and not remember what you tell people so that you can tell the same story over and over and never know that you are doing.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

To Ponder

Good Morning,
Some interesting thoughts for today: how often should I really change my bed sheets, why have I told so many my life story but heard so little of other lives so far, how can it be so early when I don't have class till 11:30 am, and why do some boys flirt with you when you know they like one of your friends? Questions to ponder. If any of you know this Nando Parrado came to SUNY Brockport yesterday and made a great speech. He talked about love, teamwork, and just having fun in the next 10 seconds of your life, because you never know what is going to happen. Nando himself was in a grueling plane crash back in '72 and was trapped in the Andes mountains for 72 days, a miracle that he is still alive. It amazed me how much passion he had for every thing. Passion for life, his wife his daughters, his friends, for just being able to breath he had passion.
So again I ponder the ideas of what he has been though, and even think to myself what would I do? Would I be a coward and commit suicide like I know I might have done, I don't know; I will never know.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

English 112

I am currently in the middle of chapter 3 of my English text and have found that it has become very interesting. it describes how if you push something, lets say a small task, into your subconscious then you will better. say you are unsure of something, like a persons name it will pop into your head, but it really doesn't pop, it is pushed into your subconscious and it gets taken care of back there.
this is a really cool idea. but on to other things, i want to describe my room mate. shes tall-ish, about 5'7", shes darker because shes jewish and Italian and she comes from long island. she can be cool at times but we don't really talk. i feel like she she doesn't even know im there sometimes. i dont even know any thing about her. she drinks alot and she seems to not really want to get to know me/ i feel like she doesn't even ask me anything, she hangs out with other people who is really dont know and i always feel like a third wheel. she never includes me, she will go out and i will ask where shes going and she tells me that shes gonna hang out with some people. she will never tell me where or if i can come. she seems really stuck up, shes very high school. she shuns me, and i dont know why. i think that she thinks that im a loser and that i don't want to hang out because we dont know what we have in common because she wont talk to me!
well that was a big rant, if anyone wants to give me suggestions on these issues just comment.

An introduction

hello my fellow bloggers and blog readers, My name is collegegirl101 and I currently go to the State of New York college at Brockport. I am a freshman and I am currently in 6 classes (16 credits).
This blog is going to be a place for me to complain and complement college life. Everything from roommates to food to the dirty laundry room thats 2 floors below me. I want you to know that I usually won't complain this much in real life, this is just an area to express how some at college have made me think that this place is just like high school only we live together and don't have to take phys. ed.
I hope you enjoy hearing about my freshman year here at SUNY Brockport.