Wednesday, October 3, 2007

things seem well

so life has been pretty boring for this college kid so far. I have done a few things, besides drinking. like go to my friends rugby games. it was really cool. i want to learn more about it, and i will prob. use it for my up coming English paper. other than that, theres been alot of late night snacking, and skipping b fast. theres also been alot of getting to know my room mate a little better. shes starting to seem like a person that i could at least get along with. im starting to learn her quarks and little things that she does. so i know how things happen when i am around.
other than that stuff, my classes have been a bore. either i feel like i am falling alseep, when i should be paying attention, or i stay awake though the stuff i already know too well. i dont get it. but lifes been good. we had our first fire drill. it was "fun", i had no idea that it sounded like it did. and it really scared me when i heard it.

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