Sunday, September 9, 2007

English 112

I am currently in the middle of chapter 3 of my English text and have found that it has become very interesting. it describes how if you push something, lets say a small task, into your subconscious then you will better. say you are unsure of something, like a persons name it will pop into your head, but it really doesn't pop, it is pushed into your subconscious and it gets taken care of back there.
this is a really cool idea. but on to other things, i want to describe my room mate. shes tall-ish, about 5'7", shes darker because shes jewish and Italian and she comes from long island. she can be cool at times but we don't really talk. i feel like she she doesn't even know im there sometimes. i dont even know any thing about her. she drinks alot and she seems to not really want to get to know me/ i feel like she doesn't even ask me anything, she hangs out with other people who is really dont know and i always feel like a third wheel. she never includes me, she will go out and i will ask where shes going and she tells me that shes gonna hang out with some people. she will never tell me where or if i can come. she seems really stuck up, shes very high school. she shuns me, and i dont know why. i think that she thinks that im a loser and that i don't want to hang out because we dont know what we have in common because she wont talk to me!
well that was a big rant, if anyone wants to give me suggestions on these issues just comment.

1 comment:

Otto said...

that is quite a rant. i can understand where your coming from, there are plenty of japs around here, but college isn't about going with the's about experiencing new people and ideas and such.