Thursday, November 15, 2007

Oh, how times have changed

Its been so long since my last post. i need to keep up with this thing. well since then: I've started regestering for classes for next semester, I've changed my room around, and gotten closer to my roomie. I've eated alot of junk food, which was pretty much all found in the dining halls, and gotten new shoes, nothing new for me. But besides the fact that life has been speeding by like a jet, I've had some great times. I've seen our girls rugby team [who plays rugby anymore? well brockport does!!] win the state championship, and I've seen them drunk and stubbley on many occasions. I've also seen many in my dorm, a freshman dorm (which is "alcohol free", like that ever happens), drunk as skunks, and I've been there a couple of times. But its all in good fun.
I did want to talk about the 7 college kids in N. Carolina who died in that fire a couple of weeks ago. Its so sad, and tragic, they were sleeping or just trapped. and
that could happen here, in Brockport. I know of many, many house parties where there is not even one sober person. Gosh it feels like theres so many bad things that go on, but so is life.
Well happier times, My new classes for next semester. as an accounting major, I'm not really taking any hard classes, or even any accounting classes. But I know that in 3 years all I will be taking is accounting courses. I wish that they would spread out the general education classes, so that you can take a "fun" general education class every semester; but again so is life. Comment with any rantings of your own, about college life, young or old, questions or comments. Whatevah.

1 comment:

maria said...

Hey! I was so ready for thanksgiving break by this point in the semester...see you next week!