Monday, March 16, 2009

Have not posted in a while...

So I have not posted here in a while. I believe this is because I have not really needed to rant to the world that is the internet. My "friends", as I have called them here, have really helped. I think that I have grown and gotten to know them. Their good qualities definably out weigh there flaws. And they hace seen my rantings and understand me now. It's been great. This really gives me new hope that things can always get better, with time and understanding.
The only unforunate thing is now my parents. Drinking, fighting, and just plain unruliness. Wow sounds like a bunch of college kids, but they are in there 50's. Its just sad, seeing this waste of human life. It only encourages me to leave sooner, and get out of their control while I still can. I think that I am going to study abroad in England in 2010!!! I'm super excited. I can't wait to be a whole ocean away from them!!!!! Oh, and I want to experince a completly new place. I don't know where I will be in England, but I'm definatly going to do this!!
Goals, how they really do pull you out of a lull. Well thats all for now. I will try to update, but I have not always kept that promise, So we will see.....

'The Future is no more uncertain than the present” - Walt Whitman

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