Monday, October 8, 2007

Life Lessons at 18

So you never really realize how much people mean to you until something horrific happens. Today, accutaly about an hour ago one of my friends that goes to school with me found out that her best friend from back home died. No warning, no more talking to her, laughing with her, just seeing and remembering her normally. JUST DEAD! How can something be so tragic. How can everything just pour down all at once. Its funny how life is either great, great, great or its shitty and sucky. Its never in between, its always one end or the other. And to think that just before that I had told my mother that I didn't miss seeing her this week end.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

things seem well

so life has been pretty boring for this college kid so far. I have done a few things, besides drinking. like go to my friends rugby games. it was really cool. i want to learn more about it, and i will prob. use it for my up coming English paper. other than that, theres been alot of late night snacking, and skipping b fast. theres also been alot of getting to know my room mate a little better. shes starting to seem like a person that i could at least get along with. im starting to learn her quarks and little things that she does. so i know how things happen when i am around.
other than that stuff, my classes have been a bore. either i feel like i am falling alseep, when i should be paying attention, or i stay awake though the stuff i already know too well. i dont get it. but lifes been good. we had our first fire drill. it was "fun", i had no idea that it sounded like it did. and it really scared me when i heard it.